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RANDTS will last a thousand years.

- Albert

Surprisingly nobody's posted about our favorite comedian on RANDTS so heres a clip from his DVD.


I watched Oprah today. And there was this guy, Rabbi Shmutley (or something like that) who is the host af a reality show, "Shalom In The House", who specialises in bringing peace into homes of families hit by a crisis or crises.

And while he was dispensing his advice to this family, and to the viewers alike, something he said hit me. Hard.



Sorry for not posting for a while. After watching Comrade post about anime, it sort of struck me than I have to post something since someone else is posting anime (which is something that I promised to post about when I first entered RANDTS). So I'm gonna review about an anime called "Darker than Black"

As he finds a dead end, the cops rush in to arrest him. Just when the cops think they have the upper hand, the guy uses his special powers....

...and manages to escape. The police then realized he is a Contractor, people who posse special powers which they gained ever since the construction of the wall, Hell's Gates. The police did some researh & found out his identity. He is known as Rui, an agent that was connected with the French foreign affairs department. His ability is to control gravity. His Messier Code is known as GR544. He manage to fly to a building & decided to lay low for a while

* I haven't really gotten the facts right but it seems that all contractors have to sacrifice something in order to obtain their powers like losing their emotions or doing a certain task. Once they made their contract, when they use their powers, it seems that a star in the sky will appear & the stars represent the user. If the person dies, it becomes a shooting star. Taking Rui as an example, every time he uses his powers, he has to break a finger in order to seal the agreement.

*Rui about to break his fingers. This scene really looks painful.

*Rui glad that its all over...huh...huh..

Just when Rui was about to take a break, he head a voice saying "So that's the price you have to pay for you contract, huh?. It must be tough" Rui turns to look around & noticed that he was being watched by a Doll, a similar version of a Contractor only less human emotions. He tries to escaped but then another contractor shows up. Rui tries to use his powers agains him but he fails to hurt the contractor & gets pin down.

After Rui gets pin down, the contractors asks him where is the "stuff" but Rui refuses to tell. Then the contractor decides to give Rui some pain by hitting the guy at the same place where he just broke his finger. Finally he mentioned that the stuff was with a woman & said that if the contractor told him who was he working for, he might be able to get the stuff for you. (basically he was trying to buy himself out) Then the contractor gave him a punch in the face & demands that he tell him where is the women.

The contractor then ask the doll whose name is Yin how long will the police arrive. Since the police was about to arrive soon, the contractor whose name was Hei decided to kill Rui as he despised Contractors. Don't know why he hates contractors since he is a contractor himself.

*Yin, the Doll

Hei : I despise Contractors...{sound of breaking skull}

Once the police arrived, Rui was dead & the contractor was long gone. In the board room of the police station, they discussed about Rui, his background & the mysterious contractor known only as BK201 or the cursed Contractor. Then they found out the identity of the girl Rui mentioned. Her name was Shinoda Chiaki whose been missing for two weeks & they stole some important information regarding Hell's Gate. In their book, the existence of the Contractors & the truth behind Hell's Gate must not be told to anyone especially the society. Anyone who knows about it will have their memories erased. The task of finding the girl & this cursed Contractors is in the hands of a detective named Misaki Kirihara who is determined to solve the case.

*Shinoda Chiaki

*Inspector Misaki Kirihara who has a strong sense of justice

Meanwhile the cursed Contractor known as Hei is living a double life as a pleasant & innocent looking foreign exchange student from China by the name of Li Shunsheng. He decides to rent an apartment where the missing girl Shinoda Chiaki happens to be hiding. Both of them meet but all they could do was nod their head as a greeting. The reason the police haven't found the girl yet because she has disguised herself & worked at a night club serving beers to the customers.

*The exchange student from China, Li Shunsheng

*See the difference between the picture above & below? Women sure look different after they put on their make up. Wonder is that true?

Although her disguise was perfect, soon the police manage to find her. She then escapes the policemen & stumbles upon Li aka Hei who was watching the stars. Li noticed she was in trouble & thought of a good idea to keep them from pretending to be lovers & making out by a tree....

*Making out XD

Once the police left the area, Chiaki thanked Li & immediately left. Li just stared at her with cold eyes as she left. Somehow the police still manage to find her & she was on the run again. {Not again!} When she was hiding by a crate, someone came from behind & grabbed her. She wanted to scream but she realized it was Jean, who is a partner of Rui, the other Contractor who died earlier. Chiaki wanted to ask about Rui but Jean said that we have no time to discuss & asked where is the stuff. Chiaki said that she promised Rui to never tell anyone, not even Jean. So Jean suddenly grabbed her & smothered her with a chloroformed cloth. Fortunately Li was there & hit Jean with his telescope & ran with Chiaki. The ran until a bridge & stopped for awhile. Chiaki was gonna ask why did Li save her but before she could get a straight answer, Jean shows up. To her surprise, Jean was a Contractor! Jean makes an entrance & knocks Li off the flyover to get run over by the train. Then he continues what he did to Chiaki earlier & she lost consciousness....

*Chiaki surprised by appearing

*Chiaki about to pass out

*Li saves the girl & escapes together with Chiaki

*Jean makes a shocking but cool entrance

*Li gets thrown off the fly over by Jean

When Chiaki regained consciousness, she noticed she was in a room with three other guys. Jean explained to Chiaki that Rui was dead & he was a Contractor like him. Jean was about to force her to tell him where is the stuff when the lights when out. The security lock on the door short circuited & Chiaki manage to get out. They tried to go after her but they were distracted by a cat who attacked them for no reason. She manages to escape & happen to stumble Li again. Their eyes meet & they embraced.

* Three guys around a square table having a chat & probably a cup of tea?

*Light go out & security lock gets short circuit

*Bad guys get assaulted by a bad ass cat

*Chiaki feels relieved & embraces him

Overall the first episode was quite interesting. It has a very dark & mysterious atmosphere through out the anime. It left the viewers with lots of questions about what is the secret about Hell's Gate & what does it have to do with the Contractors & Dolls. The animation is also well done especially all the special powers that the characters execute. Can't wait to see the second episode. Hope that this series will be a great one to remember & worth being a collection. Till my next post, I wish everyone will have a great day & leave a comment if your not too busy. (^__^)



Nowadays, I find that people have been very stressed up, including myself. Just recently, I have been stressed to the point of breaking down (in fact, I did). No, I'm not stressed about the environment, but rather the workload. I couldn't imagine why would our lecturers love to give so many assignments towards the end of the semester with similar deadlines. Worst of all, they cramped up all the tests to the same week as the assignment deadlines, so imagine having four tests in two days, maybe five?



Recently I have been really stressed out and going mad with all the things going around me. Things seem to be moving so fast that I'm starting to act very weirdly. Must be the influence of all the crazy things going around. *pauses to think*

So weird is my mood nowadays that I have began to develop new obsessions. Besides my crazy stint with jazz lately. Despite the busy weeks and killer deadlines I have to meet weekly, I was happy that I got to play drums for an annual event lately. *grins* and for the first time in my life, I tried my hand at jazz drumming... It was such a cooooool experience!!! *grinning to the point of insanity* Anyways, I'd better get to the point soon before you guys start yelling "Enough about the damn jazz already!" that is, if you are not interested in jazz.



The truth is the Windows Media Player (WM Player) is a mediocre piece of junk software.

It can play DVDs, videos and music but really doesn't support most formats. Open source formats are rendered unreadable. Forget about playing any media found on Wikipedia. We video download junkies will also be disappointed by WM Player's rigidity as it cannot play most video formats without a third party plug-in. Even with a plug-in some video files won't play. As for DVDs it only gives fair quality.

Unfortunately even the popular Realplayer has the same problems. Quicktime for Windows is even worse, be ready for that software to wreck your day as it can play almost nothing.

With so much disappointment in store I wonder why those three media players are so popular. Are people just ignorant? Now we know about the major disadvantages of the big three Windows media software, what should we do? Enter the free and excellent GOM Player.



Although I've been having quite a hard time trying to have a conversation with people, there were a few who came over to me and actually asked me a few things which I responded. Eventually the conversation became so interesting that we kept talking about it. Surprisingly, I was the one being questioned and answering all of them without much hesitation.



can you say, miaww??

can you say, miaawww??? haha.

iv got nothing much to post. just that, iv been really busy lately. and i think im beginning to be partially deaf, thanks to the oh so LOUD noise from the electric guitar which was purposely volumed up (if there is such word) by the band who played in my school's very own, 'battle of the band' competition. wheeee...

LOL. i hope everyone's doing well. i know, i know, i havent been posting much here, but i'll try my best to do so. with tight schedule, it seems imposible to post about things other than stories of my vain self. hoho.


Cyndie always tries to have something at hand to take the sting out of her son, Derek's doctor appointments. On March 8 after undergoing radiation treatment, they make the most of a dollar can of Silly String - and Cyndie then meticulously cleans up every bit of the stuff from the ground.Cyndie is a big fan of the Dollar Store.

~multum in parvo~

Previous posts in this series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7


I Confess

I confess,
I have a weird obsession with music.
I crave for the sound waves that
vibrate my eardrums and breaks my heart, or just makes my heart pumps faster than normal when i see those hot singers..

and here are my

Top Five Favorite Male Artists in Music!

Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones
Reason: This guy lives in a time warp! He's been in the business for 40 years, has done the whole sex, drugs and rock & roll thing a couple of times at least, has the on-stage energy of a twenty year old, and now even at 264 years old he is still rocking! This man's a fucking Legend!!! he's awesome! i love him!
Listen to: Old Habits Die Hard

and my all-time-favourite
rock legend of the world


Why? Because i fucking loooovvveeee him!!! Steven Tyler is THE SEX!
i don't care if that's not a valid reason!!
end of story.



I wanna get married and have kids!

  • Good looking
  • Economically stable($$$)
  • Smart
  • Caring, loving, sweet ROMANTIC, spontanious
husband, live in a fine house plus 2 beautiful daughthers and 2 hot sons. Perhaps Avril Lavigne's When You're Gone really made me think. NO idea how but yeah!

I mean, isn't it great to be a housewife? Waking up every morning by your hubby's side is always WAY better than waking up alone in my room. :P
After waking up, gently kiss your hubby to wake him up. If he still don't, spray your perfume near him.. Like how Secondhand Serenade's HalfAlive(i'm waking up to your perfume).
Then we'll get ourselves ready for work together, which i know i'll get ready faster than my man, i'll prepare breakfast and make the bed. Making bed is important for after marraige, coz comfortable and clean bed can set good mood for sex, which mean, good sex life. Then after my delicious and healthy breakfast, we'll kiss each other goodbye, and he'll drive his whatever car he wanna buy and i'll drive my Range Rover to my advertising company. Why drive different car? Coz i can rush home early to prepare dinner for him.. I would love to cook for every meal. After having a beautiful dinner together, we'll do something like movies, sports(futsal, tennis, badminton, swimming & etc) or take a walk on the beach and count the stars together by the beach. Living by a clean and gorgeous beach is very important to me.

I mean, if my life will end up like this, i am the LUCKIEST women on earth! Oh, did i missed out my kids?

We'll just take what i described as life before kids... Before we start to expand our family tree, we must be financially stable and i'll be the one who is planning how our family should spend our money and insurances, if i ever marry a guy like Ethan. If i don't, that guy who isn't Ethan can do the countings on his own, hopefully. After having my first born, it's a must for my hubby to send me to slimming program, i'm NOT gonna be a fat mummy! Haha.. Anyway, giving what my children what i didn't have when during my childhood life, is very important to me. I will probaly quit my job and be a full-time housewife to make sure my kids grow up in an educated way and i wanna be there for my kids. I wanna have time for my kids that my mummy didn't have most of the time. I just wanna be a good mummy that can bring up all of my kids well.

I've calculated, i can achive this lifestyle after 10 years, if i get the right man and financially stable to start a family. OK. This post is kinda crappy... Just let me dream a lil.



Derek is tearful as Cyndie tries to reason with him at the UC Davis Cancer Center on Feb. 14, 2006. She and Dr. William Hall argue that Derek should have a series of radiation treatments to shrink tumors spreading throughout his body and alleviate his pain.. "Derek, you might not make it if you don't do this," Cyndie tells her son. Derek fires back: "I don't care! Take me home. I'm done, Mom. Are you listening to me? I'm done."

~multum in parvo~

Previous posts in this series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6


Just in case you've ever wondered about it, here's an answer from



Hercules: World's Biggest Dog
From, presenting the world's biggest dog. But is it a real picture, or was it doctored? Hercules is a real dog, and does hold the title of World's Biggest Dog - but is he really that big?

The debate rages on...

~verus rara avis~


I originally put this up on my blog, but since I thought it'd be useful for a lot more people, I put it up here on RANDTS as well. =D

(this guide was written with the help from several sources: WikiHow, Art of Schmooze, Success Training Inc.,, Scott H Young and The Winning Attitude)

Don't we all know the feeling of insecurity that some of us get when we're around people? And when you're finally face-to-face with one person, all by yourselves, you're hit with the ultimate dilemma - you have no idea what to say next!

The problem of not knowing what to say to someone you've just met is more than just an embarrassing silence - it can be a severe confidence-breaker for any person who knows it all too well. If you've had this problem for awhile, isn't it time you started taking steps to change things? Here are some handy tips I've compiled from the Internet (what a useful tool it is!), coupled with my own opinions and experiences, to help you out!



Realizing that Derek may never have an opportunity to get his driver's license, something he's told her he is anticipating, Cyndie French defies the rules and lets him drive up and down their street in West Sacramento. On the same day, Feb. 9, 2006. Cyndie met for the first time with hospice workers, and learns there is little time left for Derek.

~multum in parvo~

Previous posts in this series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Update: I screwed up big time in writing this post. It contains a lot of mistakes, has misleading phrases and is left hanging at the end. To atone for my mistakes I've added sentences and corrected my wrongs. Sentences in red are corrections and sentences in blue are additions.

This anime caught my attention while I was surfing forums searching for new animes to download. Claymore is a manga-turned-anime. The anime is produced by MADHOUSE Ltd. while the manga was created by Norihiro Yagi. Being very new, Claymore has only three aired episodes so far.

Claymore is set in a medieval land with scattered, apparently independent, towns and villages. People here coexist with man-eating monsters called Youmas. Youmas are much stronger than humans easily killing a man in one blow.

A youma




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