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RANDTS will last a thousand years.

- Albert

just as promised, im going to pretty much blog about my table!! and some other people's table as well.


..MY TABLE! with pictures on it too... hohohoh...

yea yea.. i know the wrapping paper is ugly. i mean, it took me about 1 month to get use with the thing... but once you get use to it, its not soo bad... haha.

well, hmm.. i know you guys are like getting closer to the computer screen just to have a clear look on the pictures, well, dont. since im nice and all, im gonna show you the more CLEAR and NEAR picture of my beloved table. uiseh...

clockwise from top left: taken at Suri Highschool, South Korea, A korean friend and i in the middle of GunPo City, a picture of me (!), my baby cousin, our last dinner in Korea, my friends and i in our hotel room in KL.

now, if you think that my table's messy, take a look at my friend's table.

the papers there are actually notes to accounts and business studies. i got the oppurtunity to sit at my friend's place the other day. lets just say that, the notes helped me with my mock exams. :D


some of my artistic friends put a few of their works of art on their table as well... here's one good example...

not bad ey?

so thats about it.... haha.

note to all the people in the world: my 'decorations' on my table is damn pretty. i should win an award for it. seriously, i should.



All in all there are 10 photos.

1957. The first day of Dorothy Counts at the Harry Harding High School in the United States . Counts was one of the first black students admitted in the school, and she was no longer able to stand the harassments after 4 days.

January 12, 1960. A second before the Japanese Socialist Party leader Asanuma was murdered by an opponent student. Photo Credits: Yasushi Nagao, Japan, Mainichi Shimbun

1963. Thich Quang Duc, the Buddhist monk in Southern Vietnam , burns himself to death protesting the government’s torture policy against priests. Thich Quang Dug never made a sound or moved while he was burning. Photo Credits:Malcolm W. Browne, USA, The Associated Press.



Perhaps some of you might have noticed we have a reader by the name of "Hann" who often tags our chatbox. For starters, he is my roommate. He also happens to have a talent of fitting himself into the weirdest places. Here is a picture of him in his successful attempt of a stunt to fit himself into the...

... Gym locker. Hehe. Which measure at 1.5ft x 3.5 ft.

Go figure!



A homophobic statement gets owned with style.


The picture looks completely innocent until you notice the details especially in the middle... Oh, my God. Look carefully at the details. BTW, this is a lubricant ad targeted at the French.


Have you ever wonder about what qualities an educator should have?

Should they be caring towards their students? (but then, students might over rule the teacher)Maybe they should be stern while being considerate etc?



Bulan kini mengambang,
Cahayanya terang-benderang,
"Aduh, sakitnya!" Dia mengerang,
Tatkala berpuisi terlanggar tiang.

(Edit: Thanks Jared for the tip at the last line!)

This feels really lame, but for the spur of the moment after reading Jasmine's entry, it sparked off something funny to think off.

Jasmine, exactly what is so interesting about your own table in class? You did anything bad on it? Scribbled on your table, huh?

Never knew you could be so naughty, if you are...


As a gesture of continuing the chain of the "weather patterns", I present to you my poetic sucky pantun entitled "Matahari".

Langit telahpun cerah semula,
Simpanlah payung, sidaikan baju;
Pasang radio, bukalah komputer,
"Connection" internet semakin laju.

To Jasmine:
Hehe, no pun intended. Feeling a little lame at the moment


kerana hujan

nampaknya langit semakin gelap,
hujan telah turun,
guruh mengetuk sini sana,
terpaksalah aku menutup komputer.


sial gila babi.

haha. the poem is pointless. but im just feeling very frustrated now. still, i promise i'll do a better one next time. say, talking about my class table???

seriously, you've no idea how interesting it is when one talks about her table in class. *nod nod*


Here are some of the people mentioned in my previous post.



Stupefied by the light.

How disabled do I look?



Daniel Radcliffe goes naked in public.

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe makes his West End debut in the revival of Peter Shaffer's play Equus. The former boy wizard has beefed up for the role of Alan Strang, the true story of a young stable groom who maimed six horses with a hoof pick. Richard Griffiths takes the role of a psychiatrist who tries to discover why the boy has begun attacking the animals. The actor also has to strip off for a steamy sex scene with actress Joanna Christie.

Daniel Radcliffe was clearly keen to impress with his physique, pumping up his slender frame in the gym for seven hours a week.

But whether his young fans will be impressed by his transition from Hermione Granger's boy wizard friend to hunky sex symbol remains to be seen.

I don't think i can stand watching the next Harry Potter movies..



Sex has always been a taboo topic in Asian society. We shrink back from talking about it in public, discuss it in whispers in secret corners, giggling as we learn something "naughty".



Here are some surreal photos from this page. Two are original pictures and one is doctored. The pictures are of Mont Saint-Michel which is located on a tidal island in Normandy, France.

The castle invokes a Tolkien-esque fantasy feel.



Question of the day: Do you feel proud to be Malaysian? If so, what is that makes you feel proud to be one?



So I've been having a number of light bulb moments considering education lately. Maybe its the influence of the education majors I'm around, maybe its the influence of living 24/7 for 7 months in an institution of higher learning. Whatever it is, I seem to have a lot to say about education recently. Today, what is bothering me is the absence of music in education.



Current time: 0545 hours
Hours of sleep: 5 hours
Buddies awake: None
Current emotion: Unusually depressed
Current desire: My best buddies' company

Ladies and gentlemen, you can see that I am certainly not in my best of times. This is rather queer and quite a first-time experience for me to be having depression after a relapse from a previous depression.

My previous experience of depression (which was about two months ago) started off with the feel of loneliness. Ironically, this time, it wasn't loneliness that sparked off my depressed mood (how could I feel lonely when I have friends around in university, right? After all, I looked forward to university life so much after spending seven weeks of holidays at home), but rather my thoughts.

Thoughts? It is strange, I know, that mere thoughts can make one depressed, but lately I have not been able to control my thoughts. My mind keeps flashing about things in the past, things that have recently happened and what might happen in the future. Had my mind flashed about the good times I had, perhaps I would not have felt so bad. Today, as I stated earlier I slept for only five hours before deciding to write an entry here. Within the five hours, I woke up three times, with three similar flashes in my mind. In those flashes I saw myself alone, in utter silence and disbelief, shunned away by all whom I know.

Previously, prayers had always worked wonders to me whenever I feel down. I have always believed in the power of prayers but lately they have only been a temporary consolation for me. Am I falling? Is there unbelief in my heart?

Still, I'm thankful to God that during my moments of desperation, He sends some Good Samaritans to my side. Either Jared would just drop by my room and I could find comfort in him, or while walking aimlessly Joe would just appear before me and I would be able to seek refuge. My roommate, Brian, would ask about my condition and be concerned about me.

There are times when I felt that I could walk no more. There are times when I felt my whole world would just collapse right before me. Still, I try my best to stand steadfast, with unwavering faith.

Many things have happened lately to me, some are bitter moments which I think contributed to my predicament. Jared, Joe and some of my other friends would undoubtedly comprehend my condition (as I've told them about what had happened). Things are going rather too fast for me, and I can't seem to swallow everything at one go. Much as I like to take things slowly now, they accumulate fast. Still, I find great comfort in these words that Joe, Jared and some others offered:

  1. "Fill it with God's love."
  2. "Thanks for sharing with me!"
  3. "Be true to yourself and you will always have us to count on."
  4. "Amazing grace."
  5. "Are you OK?"

...and many more.

I have given myself enough time to make a come back. For now, I just want to lay back and try, again, to just let things be.

I certainly hope that things would turn out well again for me. I am sorry to have vented this personal matter here, but believe me, I really need to share with all of you.

Current time: 0645 hours
Current emotion: (as above)
Current desire: (as above)
Status: Peace out!



Dolphins are considered very intelligent creatures. I think killing them in a barbaric fashion is just sick. If people want to eat dolphins they should find a more humane way to kill them. Do these barbarians need to hack them to death? Do these people have a sadism fetish? Why no action is taken by the Japanese authorities? Are you people too arrogant?



I have to share this piece of news. Just today a giant sinkhole swallowed dozens of homes and killed two people in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The sinkhole is said to be 100m deep and 40m wide. Definitely a hole of monstrous proportions. Here are some pictures of the HOLE from this web page.



I'm sure everyone has heard of The Simpsons. This show needs no further introduction, it's so famous until some enthusiast has gone to an extent of making the real life video of the show's intro. Have fun comparing!

The original

The real life Simpsons.

I'm impressed.



I've finally found the time and motivation to finish up my intended three part discussion on education, that began here and continued here.



... but this is pretty important.



Couple in Park
I recently came across this post on the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order while I was preparing my slides for my Moral Studies class; it's titled "Sex and the Single-minded", written by Maitreyabandhu in the summer of 1998. An extract:

Shortly after I encountered Buddhism I confidently predicted that I would be celibate within three years. Why it was three years rather than two or five, I do not know. What I did know was that I wanted to get on with living the spiritual life as wholeheartedly and uncompromisingly as possible. To me that meant being celibate within three years.

About 12 years later I am still sexually active, still involved in the same sexual relationship, and still trying to live the spiritual life in a wholehearted and uncompromising way. It is not that I have given up on celibacy, nor that I no longer experience sexual relationships as a compromise (in some ways I feel the compromise more acutely than ever). But I have a more realistic view of the forces I am trying to transform. I have grown up a bit, and my naive confidence has been tempered by a deeper understanding of the difficulties of trying to transcend sexual desire.

The spiritual life involves transforming one′s whole being, and resolving within oneself the seemingly paradoxical tensions which that throws up. One such tension, you could say, is between the two great poles of meaning and pleasure; and spiritual life involves an attempt to unite and transcend them. A life without meaning is shallow and paltry; a life without pleasure is almost unliveable. In trying to unite and transcend them we need not only to face up to uncomfortable truths about sex and romance but also to find more genuinely satisfying sources of pleasure which, instead of distracting us from meaning, augment it.

[ Continue reading! ]
Not that I mean to preach here (thought: do Buddhists preach?), but the way this article deals with relationships (not just sex) is pretty interesting. Most of us are still in that turbulent period of life when we experience the often painful but blissful ignorance happiness of 'love'.

This article pretty much sums up our dilemma pretty much in a (rather large) nutshell. His insight into this complicated part of our lives proved very... true, at least in my case. I think the rest of you will find it just as interesting too, if not more.

When we enter a relationship at this age, what do we expect from it?
  1. Companionship? [I don't wanna be just a friend!]
  2. Love? [I love you, you love me, we are one big family...]
  3. Sex? [Banzai!]
  4. Status? [I've got one. Have you?]
  5. Pretty presents? [Roses and bouquets and chocolates and teddies and trinkets...]
  6. Fun? [I'm so bored; will you be my boyfriend?]
Seriously, when I got involved in my first relationship - well, it was in 2004, but I don't think it'd qualify as a 'relationship' per se, since it was mostly a one-sided affair on my part - I thought I was looking for 1. and 2. In the end, after countless painful moments and unreturned love - made all the more hurtful due to my reluctance to confess (and the constant circulating rumours) - I gave up entirely. Took me quite awhile to patch up the wounds, though.

In the end, I still have no idea what I was really looking for. I suppose the closest explanation would be that I was looking for someone to cherish, and to be cherished in return as well. Perhaps it was partly because of 4. too; the girl I loved liked had a crush on was one of the crowd favorites. Haven't fallen in with anyone since then.

Well, not in the traditional sense, anyway. I'm sure some of you will understand my meaning. *wink* Hope you find this article interesting. Share it with some of their friends and note their reaction. I guess some things just transcend religious boundaries, eh?

~verus rara avis~



Why am i suddenly obsessed by this car? Well for starters just look at it.



I'm gonna review an anime called Pumpkin Scissors. It's a manga-turned-anime. The manga was created by Ryoutarou Iwanaga & the anime was produced by GONZO & AIC.

*2nd Lieutenant Alice L. Malvin*

The Pumpkin resembles those who protect themselves from the law by doing injustice,taking advantage of people & disturbing the peace which is like the hard skin of the pumpkin. Section 3 is the Scissors who will cut through all the pumpkin layers that protecting them, making them vulnerable & punished them in the name of justice.

The story begins after the war in a village. The village was terrorized by a group of soldiers & Section 3, Pumpkin Scissors decided to look into this matter. After investigating, they realize that the enemy is not that easy to overcome. The soldiers were fully armed & they had a tank. Machs & Oreld,who were both Warrant Officer decided to call for backup to handle the problem but Lieutenant Alice L. Malvin insisted on attacking immediately.

*Machs, the nerd of the Pumpkin Scissors unit*

*Oreld, the cool guy who always wants to look good in front of the ladies*

Fortunately both of them manage to talk Alice out of it & decided to investigate the nearby village to see the damage they caused. Meanwhile in the village, a big guy by the name of Randel Oland, who was a veteran during the war with the rank of corporal came to the village for a meal. As he was having a meal, Alice,Machs & Oreld came into the inn & asked the inn keeper about the soldiers. Then Alice meet Oland & had this strange feeling that something was going to happen. Before she could say anything, a shoot was fired & the soldiers came to the village to ask for food.

The mayor of the village told them they were nothing left to give but the didn't believe what they said. Alice bravely stood in front of the enemy tank, declared them as a war aggravator & told them to surrender. Instead of surrendering, they shot something in the air & left. Everyone thought that it was a blank shot but later they found out it was a K-3 chemical round or Kirsche-3 round. It dispersed in the air & poisoned almost everyone in the village. Section 3 together with Corporal Randel Oland decided to fight back.

While Machs & Oreld handled the foot soldiers, Alice & Oland went to find the antidote for the poison. Later Oland told Alice to find the antidote while he handled the tank. Alice wanted to help but Oland insisted that he'll take care of it. He said that no normal man can face a tank but he can...

The reason why he can is because he is no ordinary soldier. He was part of an experimental unit know as the Invisible 9. They were special units that were created during the war to turn the tides around. He was part of a platoon named 901 ATT (Anti Tank Trooper). Together with his 13mm anti tank gun & his blue lantern, his units charged at tank without any fear, jump right on the tank & fire at point-blank range. Olands' units are also known as Gespenst Jäger, or Soldiers Ignorant of Death. They do not feel any pain due to the power of the blue lantern that shines on their body. They can get shot by a tank & still be walking forward towards the enemy!

*The 13mm anti tank gun also know as a "Door Knocker" (what a name)*

*The blue lantern with the cold,gloomy mist*

*Comes face to face with a tank*

*Shoots at point-blank range,which is the cabin where the driver will be*

The leader of the soldiers turn bandits, General Wolf was also part of the invisible 9. He was part of the platoon known as 903-CTT (Chemical Tactics Trooper) which is also know as Sowers of the Ashes of Death.. With the cooperation of Alice & Oland, they manage to defeat General Wolf & obtain the antidote. Later Oland was offered by Alice to join Pumpkin Scissors to do more war relief & create a better future for all.

In the later parts, they will begin to reveal Oland's dark past & a plot that is being schemed by an unknown organization who is threatening to disturb the peace of the country. Although the story moves very slowly but it explains every character in detail that it makes you want to appreciate every character in the anime. If your looking for an anime set in an after war situation full of action,drama & lovable characters, then this is the anime for you. Give it a try & tell me how is it. Till then, I think I'll take an afternoon nap....feeling kind of sleepy....(-__-)""Zzzz...Zzzz




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