The Emperor protects! I am Captain Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens Space Marine Chapter & I.....
OK, just kidding! The name's Calvyn Ee from Malaysia. I'm the little bro to the Mastermind of R.A.N.D.T.S. (most of you know who...) Maverick & I'm proud to say that this is my first in blogging, so please forgive me if anything I type here is wrong!
I'm a game freak, a helpful person, a mad scientist (in using my imagination) and someone who needs a heckload of pals through this! I'm also a human who's absolutely bored now. So all things considered, it's OK. ;-)
So look out world, here I come! (echoes..)
Now if you'll excuse me, I've matters to attend to, like purging some Cultists of Chaos. For the Emperor!
---> Innocence Proves Nothing
Labels: Calvyn's, Introductions
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