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RANDTS will last a thousand years.

- Albert


This is a video by Japanese rock/metal band Dir En Grey. Watch it and you will never have the heart to abort babies. At least I did. The lyrics are written from the perspective of the aborted baby:

"Mazohyst of Decadence"



The Iraq War started in 2003.
Yesterday the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown showed that he deserves no respect at all. The world owes a debt to the United States for its leadership in the fight against international terrorism, Gordon Brown has said. What an obscene statement! The US under the reckless chickenhawk Bush administration has only led the world headlong into an increase in terrorism. Nobody owes a debt to a nation that has imperiled us all.

According to many sources the Iraq war has caused a sevenfold increase in terrorism. Yes, a sevenfold increase! To make matters worse they were no terrorist Iraq in the first place before the war. Using the false pretenses of supposed weapons of mass destruction under the preemptive strike doctrine brought about to destroy terrorist they (America and gang) invaded Iraq. The deposed and executed Saddam Hussien but left utter chaos behind. Civil wars are raging in Iraq. Terrorists now call Iraq the University of Terrorism (they attended terrorism school in Afghanistan). Baghdad is now the murder capital in the world. Even the humanitarian situation is worse than before the war. I call it total mission failure!

One war and America (Bush Administration) has lost its right to lead the world against terrorism (until they redeem themselves). To make matters even more dire the terrorist are back in Afghanistan ready to bounce back. These terrorist are now attacking the NATO forces there. They even control some parts of Afghanistan. You can blame opium or anything else but if America sent only troops to Afghanistan no such nonsense would have occurred.

To hell with Bush for he imperiled us all by emboldening terrorists! The world owes nothing to America but they owe us a blood debt that can never be paid.

P.S: This post is another reason why I hate politicians so much.

~multum in parvo~


A withered, frail man lay in the bed, his diseased body overwhelmed by the white sheets and blankets. Life-giving oxygen blew into his nose, and the constant beep of the heart monitor dictated his weakening life-force. An IV bag hung over him, dripping pain numbing drugs into his ravaged system. Walking up beside him, I took his fragile hand in mine and squeezed gently.

"Howard," I whispered.

His eyelids fluttered and then opened, a look of recognition flitting through the filmy blue of his eyes.

"Is it time already?" he asked.

"I'm afraid so. . . "



Nothing much happened on Sunday the 15th. Mom and aunts went to first aunt's office in Kuchai Lama to check out the hall which would be used for line dancing classes every Tuesday (I tagged along). In case you don't know, my mom's a line dance instructor, haha. And I, unfortunately, do not dance, as I cannot and will not.

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Home-made doughnuts, fresh from the oven. Mmmm... hmmm... Delicious!



courtesy of Anniecounie

if there’s one thing i hate, its discrimination. by race, gender, age, body size, sexual profile, capability etcetc. i hate it sooo much. i find people who discriminate are total losers. especially when they started to get very mean and being such an asshole.

just like this one group which was shamelessly created by a bunch of schoolmates of mine after getting inspired by telling the whole world about their hatred towards a fellow classmate due to his sexual profile. sure he might be outspoken. but you dont have to be mean.

anyway, i went to the group and got apart of it because i want to write about my opinions regarding a topic saying that Sissys are the main AIDS transmitter. and all the sudden, some of them was being nasty with me coz they said im some spy or something (its HILARIOUS!) because im like really close with the guy.

go read.

[ my current music : when we die - bowling for soup ]


The Sword's song is a sad song,
He pipes it soft and low,



"Interestingly, I wasn't at home resting on Saturday, as I went out for a photoshoot in KLCC with friends Melissa and Ken Ming. I shall update about that tomorrow, or on Friday."

As mentioned, and as promised, I'm here to blog about Saturday the 14th. Generally, the day started with much hurrying to be punctual (though it wasn't until much later that the photoshoot began), and ended with also much hurrying to get home and then rest my entire body. The weight of the camera caused my hands, arms and shoulders to ache, while the walking and bad posture added toil on my feet. I remembered a clear picture of me waking up around 2 in the afternoon to discover that I slept for an alarming period of 13 hours!

Anyway, I shall not go into much detail as certain opinions are meant not to be disclosed, and the captions therefore, will hopefully compensate for the absence of 'granny-esque' stories that occupy bandwidth while testing your patience.

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The view from Pasar Seni LRT station.



free ..

p.s. something is wrong with my browser, so if the post looks weird then do tell me =_="




Hi everyone! I haven't posted anything for so long. Really sorry for not contributing anything to the blog. I just thought about something & decided to post it. I assure it it won't be the last post. (^__^)



As I haven't been blogging regularly for the past week, I shall be posting blog updates from the 'past' to keep this journal of mine, well, simply updated. So I shall begin from where I left- the 13th of July, which was also a Friday (Friday the 13th indeed!). It was also the 2nd day of having Jen Ric's 'beaten up D50' with me.

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Out of campus: Bawanie




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