Message Board

RANDTS will last a thousand years.

- Albert

Imagine this. You're drinking champagne in some French restaurant, and you've left a stain of red lipstick on the surface of the glass. Brandishing your compact powder, you dust your face, and decided to apply a new coat of lipstick on your lips. You're searching your clutch in vain for the lipstick, when your significant other (read: male boyfriend) hands you his lipstick. "Here darling, try my lipstick. Bought it from MAC for RM 49.90- it comes with gloss and vitamins for a sexier pout". How would you react?


With just a little bit of inspiration, you can write whatever you want, do whatever you want, dream whatever you want as long as it serves a good purpose and pose no harm to society. I think other RANDTSters need some inspiration to be back on track.



It seems that Poland thinks that Teletubbies are gay. A senior Polish official has ordered psychologists to investigate whether the popular BBC TV show Teletubbies promotes a homosexual lifestyle. Those Poles are ridiculously obsessed and paranoid in fearing about the "promotion of a homosexual lifestyle".

How stupid can people be? All these humorous homophobia started when Poland's education ministry announced plans to sack teachers who promote homosexuality. How do you promote homosexuality? In a radio show some people even found Winnie the Pooh suspiciously gay as he had only male friends. For many young boys all their friends are boys. Are they gay too? What some "learned" people do simply baffles me.

Let's come back to Teletubbies. Tinky Winky the purple Teletubby is the character singled out as being gay. One of the ludicrous reason is that he carries a handbag. The late American bigot Jerry Falwell even once said Tinky Winky is gay for being purple, a gay pride colour. His (Tinky's) triangular aerial was also said to be a gay pride symbol. How can people be so idiotic? Tinky Winky is just a child's character, how could he be gay? Some people have forgot that being effeminate isn't being gay. King Herod was effeminate but committed adultery by marrying his brother's wife. Furthermore, there certainly is nobody had alleged the Herod was gay.

Tinky Winky the gay Teletubby being gay. Lol!

I'll tell you that Teletubbies will drive me up the wall. It's just plain weird but it cannot be gay unless you are talking about an obscure and probably fake clip of Teletubbies depicting sodomy symbolism on Youtube. Still fools will be fools but idiocy of a whole country is mind boggling. Luckily for Poland, the Poles are taking the gay Teletubbies issue with a sense of humour.

P.S: Some people say Barney the purple dinosaur is gay for being purple. Anyway, I'm so gay hearing about gays.

~multum in parvo~


He strides confidently, calmly. Well-dressed passers-by on the streets merely stare at him with dull eyes. Smog envelopes the alleyways. It does not deter him; he speeds through the urban dust like a knife through water.

His left hand clenches a paper bag. He makes sure his baggage is still secure. Once he nears the area where he calls home, he puts the brown paper bag into his pants' pocket. It is small and fits snugly, invisible to curious eyes.

The neighbourhood is gaily, pretty in its suburban colours of beige and terracotta with splashes of greenery. Warm lights are switched on; it is dinnertime. He takes in the scenery disdainfully. He knows that behind the facade of family, respectability and money, there is nothing but grey - boredom with life and the like.



Complicated. Why do people say that life is complicated? Life is life. Life is not complicated, or is it?



Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.

-Albert Einstein-



Henry & Jared, does the place in the picture remind you of anything? Care to complete the blog title, anyone? =)

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Able Manski, Tech Repairman, rose at 0500 hrs to grab a cup of coffee and make his way to the 'Mech repair bay. Able grabbed a cup and filled it from the dispenser. A 'Clansman' sat in the tech lounge reading an inner sphere repair manual and snickered till he saw Able.

“That coffee is for clan members only, Terran.” He said not removing his gaze from the manual.

Able raised his middle finger at the tech while stirring the cream in with a toothpick he too not removing his gaze from his task.

“As you say pal.” Able said calmly.

“I thought I told you to stop calling me ‘pal’ bondsman Able!” The tech snapped.

“You did, I just don’t listen to you... Pal.” Able smirked.



This is perhaps the second time I'll be addressing this matter. I shall use very direct approaches. And pardon me for my choice of words; I shall not be so careful with it.



Hey everyone, Hui Wen is back from her RANDTS hiatus to post some of her pictures, haha! Not her portraits, or course, but black-and white pictures which she has converted from colour and toned accordingly. These are all taken a month plus in Penang, and she hopes you'll enjoy them.

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Time and tide waits for no man. Only trails of what left are seen...



basement storeroom is now full of s*** sewage

In the UK, Parliament is basically the House of Commons. Here in Malaysia it's now infamously known as the House of Leaks. Our nation is also the home of a really disgraceful court complex. To make matters worst there is the chauvinist mosquito and the sexist one-eyed jack making a crude and vulgar joke about a opposition woman MP which insults all women and shows that they don't respect their own mothers. What has happened to my country!?



Friends and Love

Date: 23rd of May 2007
Time: 0145 hours
Listening to: Ireland - Of Legend And Lore (Robert Smith)
Current mood: Lost and disillusioned (Wordpress is down, so I can't blog in mine)

Date: 23rd of May 2007
Time: 0350 hours
Listening to: Kiss of a Rose (Seal)
Current mood: Indifferent (Wordpress is finally up.)



Date: 19th of May 2007.
Time: 2130 hours
Listening To: Quando, Quando, Quando (Michael Buble & Nelly Furtado)
Current mood: Bored, melancholic, nostalgic.

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting anything in RANDTS at all this week or two. You see, examinations have started and have yet to finish. In fact, I still have two more papers to go, notably Statics of Rigid Bodies (Tuesday 9.00 a.m.) and Geology (Saturday 2.30 pm). Both papers are three hours long each.

Signing-out time: 2150 hours
Listening to: I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You (March Anthony & Tina Arena)
Current mood: Sleepy, bored (in need of a conversation if there is one)



History classes taught students about historical bias. But to know that such misdeeds have been done to hide the bloodiest day in our history? Unthinkable!

When I was a student in secondary school, I always wondered about the May 13 riots that happened nearly 40 years ago in Malaysia. My history textbook barely devoted even a paragraph to this issue.

Among other things, it only states that:

  1. the violence was triggered by the Chinese-dominated opposition supporters’ provocation in celebrating their electoral victory which saw the ruling Alliance Party suffer a major setback;

  2. racial tensions that arose due to economic disparity between the major races also contributed to the riots;

  3. the riots were the basis for the formation of the National Operations Council (which most Malaysian students would know - if they remember at all - as MAGERAN, or Majlis Gerakan Negara) under Tun Abdul Razak, and;

  4. this led to the formulation of the New Economic Policy, which aimed to uplift the economic standards of the Malays (and is still in place today).

But now I know better.

Not-so-recently, Dr Kua Kia Soong released a book unveiling the truth behind the infamous May 13th riots. His book, May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969, is the result of three months of research at the Public Records Office in London to study records and declassified documents on the riots.

The book also debunks some of the myths behind the darkest period in our country's history and paints a different, shocking picture into the reasons behind its occurrence.



Islamic (syariah) courts cannot and should have jurisdiction over non-Muslims. This is against the democratic principle of the rule of law i.e, laws cannot cause injustice and unfairness. Religious values e.g, Islamic values cannot be applied to non-Muslims as this is contrary to justice and fairness. In Malaysia the Federal Constitution guarantees that only Muslims are under the Syariah Courts.

Recently we had many cases that highlighted the ongoing "tug-o-war" between the the civil courts and Syariah court. These include the cases of Shamala, Lina Joy, Nyonya Tahir, M. Moorthy, Rayappan Anthony, Subashini, P. Marimuthu, and perhaps the latest, Magendran Sababathy. One can argue that these cases are causing ethno-religious harmony to be slowly eroded. Dr Wan Azhar Wan Hamad of the Centre for Syariah, Law and Political Science, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) today has come into the fray with a suggestion that syariah courts have some jurisdiction over non-Muslims in order calm the "tug-o-war" in this article.



Decapitation has been burned into our minds as cruel and unusual punishment. It's gruesome nature will always be used as a tool to terrorise people. But here is a miracle linked with decapitation (internal) which is testament of the will to survive.

Shannon Malloy was involved in a car crash in Nebraska on Jan. 25 which threw her up against the vehicle's dashboard. In the process, her skull became separated from her spine. The clinical term for her condition is called internal decapitation.

Quotes from Malloy:

"I remember the impact and then I had no control over my head,"

"I wasn't focused so much on the pain. I just kept thinking, 'I have to stay alive.'"

"My skull slipped off my neck about five times. Every time they tried to screw this (the metal halo which still supports her skull) to my head, I would slip,"

"It only took about 8 minutes to take the whole thing off,"

"Oh my God, it's a miracle,"

Read about this miracle here. Anyway, her doctor stated that her will to survive was what saved her.

Miracles do happen you see. There are so many wonders that is made possible by God. Stop worrying too much for an instant, just take a deep breath and cherish your existence in this sometimes sad yet wonderful world. One day you may be granted a miracle to continue in the world. Show your gratitude to the world and God soon....

~multum in parvo~


Hmmm, the world must be wondering what kind of people Malaysian are, with our politicians behaving no better than low-cultured folk. I refer to the recent event of a certain government MP who was reported to have made a derogatory remark to a female Opposition MP (read the Star article)

First thing, I really fail to see the connection between the possibility of leaks in the Parliament building and the monthly cycle of a woman. It was hell rude, if you don't mind me saying. I thought debates, especially one so important as a Parliamentary, were supposed to be intelligent exchanging of views with a healthy dose of wit, rhetoric, charisma and sarcasm. This latest episode (following on a string of other numerous verbal blunders) just shows how much more we have to go in becoming a progressed nation, mentally.




The above message was sent to me as an offline message through Yahoo! Messenger. Threeplyn was my schoolmate in primary school but I have now marked her as a spammer. Is the message bigoted?



What are we compared to Singaporeans? We might say they are very kiasu in every aspect of their lives; they are too disciplined for their own good; some Malaysians hate their strict law enforcement down there. So are we better than them?

Take a look at ourselves for an instant, we have quite a number of faults.

  1. Malaysian are true devils on the road, just look at those imbeciles who weave through the highway like there is no tomorrow. Have you seen motorcyclists who wish for a horrible death? Anyone here who are speed demons like many Malaysians.
  2. Mismanagement is already seeping into some institutions and companies, for example there is this college in Kuala Lumpur which fails to pay part time lecturers and goes on to scapegoat one of them. We even have contractors chosen by the government who do shoddy work. Did a roof give way on top of a judge?
  3. "Tidak apa" attitude is already part of our culture. Most hawkers show utter contempt to the cleanliness of drains while people support such behaviour by patronising those hawkers. When someone screams for help we have idiots who stare. Even the Comrade always gets stared at when he goes out just because I can't walk.
  4. We youth totally fail at reading books. I can assert that most students never touch any books except their academic books. To make matters worse bookshops such as MPH are mosquitoes out to suck the blood of customers. We people also must ask our government where are our libraries? Many newspapers have also published countless articles on our book problem.
  5. Everyone knows that we are a corrupted nation, just look at the newspapers for stories that smell of corrupt that come out pretty often. If you dive into political blogs you may even end up shuddering in disbelief at the level of graft in Malaysia. Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) shows that we are sinking deeper into corruption each year. Everybody also knows piracy will never be wiped out so long the underworld bribes the enforcement officers.

Need more of the ugly side of us. Yet again we have to be called people with third class mentalities with first class facilities. What a shame!

Singapore is so much better than us. Drivers there are angels albeit some still turn into devils on Malaysian roads. Mismanagement is almost non-existent in Singapore, they are top notch in management. "Tidak apa" attitude is quite alien there. Corruption almost doesn't exist down in the island and corrupt people are always jailed just look at their rankings on the CPI. Books are everywhere in Singapore as they have countless public libraries unlike us. Finally, Singapore is so ahead of us in everything, they are a developed nation while we are considered less developed for crying out loud. Still want to compare ourselves with Singaporeans?

~multum in parvo~

P.S: My Public Law lecturer says that if Singaporeans are kiasu we are "bodoh".


Sometimes you wonder how some folks (especially in Malaysia) have the audacity to talk without thinking. Really, judging from the things they type, it's glaringly obvious that these people never really bothered to zip up their mouths for awhile before shooting off it at others. Naturally they also don't bother giving a damn about being polite or civilized at all.

Case in point: check out John Lee's blog, Infernal Ramblings, at the chatbox in the right-hand sidebar.

I thought a forum was for people to exchange ideas, not ruthlessly beat them down whenever they express one that doesn't tally with yours!

It's sickening to be reminded that there are many more "joshvinders" out there in the country right now. On a forum once, I was heckled by another 'experienced' user (by nature of the obscenely huge number of posts he has put up to date) who used a variety of colourful and fascinating words on me due to a disagreement of sorts in which we ended up.

Alright, maybe I was at fault for misreading his message and responding rather harshly - but it was never intentionally done. The next thing I knew I was embroiled in a flame war all on my own! Needless to say, I found out from many other users that he has abused them online many times - even witnessing myself him starting up another flame war with another user of that forum.

And it wasn't just about the issue we were discussing at that point - at times he'd go on to insult our parentage, our heritage, our culture, our education, etc. Basically he took a potshot at everything related to us in an effort to draw us in to the conflict with our own weapons. I was damn near close to breaking. Still, bad experiences that could have cost me my friendships helped remind me that that was the last thing I should do.

I have since stopped posting at that forum due to his insolent nature and coarse language. I thought a forum was for people to exchange ideas, not ruthlessly beat them down whenever they express one that doesn't tally with yours! That defeats the purpose of the whole thing entirely, no?

Any of you here have ever had that experience before? Being heckled online by someone hiding behind a pseudonym? It certainly makes you wonder how some immature people can so freely abuse the rights to freedom of speech which democracy has granted them.

[ related article: Bloggers' Code of Conduct: The Great Debate ]

~verus rara avis~



i never did understand what ‘love’ is.

i mean, duh, i know what it is. when you talk about family love or friends loving each other, that i understand. but i just dont understand what gf-bf love is all about. it sounds too cliche and too overrated.

whenever i go to friendster profiles, i’ll always see stuff written in their comments’ section.

’sayang, i love you sooooo much.’
‘you are the joy in my life, the light of blablablala’…

you know how it goes.



Derek has a final burst of energy after days of Cyndie keeping vigil at his bedside. She helps her anguished son walk on April 26. A cancerous tumor has distended Derek's stomach so far that his pants no longer fit. Another tumor in his brain impairs his eyesight making navigation difficult inside their rental home.

~multum in parvo~

Previous posts in this series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8



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Time: 1540 hours
Current state of mind: Exhausted and tired
Feeling: Emotional (in tears)
Listening to: History Maker

I've actually written this post in my personal blog. However, I feel that this is worth sharing to the rest of you here, so I've decided to just copy and paste everything that I wrote in my blog here.

Time: 1547 hours
Current state of mind: A little refreshed
Feeling: Emotional (tears dried already)
Listening to: Track 10 from Romantic Adagios (minor key)



When you are an extreme prude can you be accused of indecency from a very innocent act? President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran learned got his answer the hard way. We all now how prudish Iranian are especially when it comes to women. Ahmadinejad as a conservative there is no different. He however is more infamous for his violent rhetoric on Jews.

The act in this picture got him into trouble.
Mahmoud publicly kisses the hand of a woman who used to be his school teacher.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an Iranian conservative, was attacked by the Hezbollah newspaper for acting "contrary to Sharia law". It accused him of "indecency and violating religious values". Ludicrous accusations!

How ridiculous can people be? It's obvious that the woman is old. Mahmoud definitely has a more beautiful wife. He's not pervert who is attracted to an elderly woman. We can also see how thick is the woman's clothes. Finally she's wearing gloves! People are so very, very, very shallow these days. What's the obsession about petty morality?

~multum in parvo~


Updated: 4 May 07, 8.33pm
Dear people

I can hear you asking: what's that unique about Malaysia? Just what is that special 'something' that makes our country stand above all others?

Well, fret no more, folks. I've compiled a list of things that paints a clearer picture of our beloved country. Remember, you heard it right here, on R.A.N.D.T.S., first...

You know you’re in Malaysia when:

  • Traffic slows down on the lane you’re traveling on even though the accident occurred on the oncoming lane.
  • You suddenly find that somebody has miraculously jumped to the front of the queue while waiting your turn to use an ATM.
  • Sportsmen and women are feted like kings and queens for their outstanding achievement in ONE tournament, which effectively kills off their chances of winning any future tournaments (yes, I’m looking at you Koo-Tan).
  • Our tourism minister gets uptight because our taxi drivers don’t know exchange rates. Personally, I don’t ask taxi drivers these kinds of things, but what do I know?
  • You get to watch a movie weeks before its official premiere in cinemas.
  • The government orders 300 combat vehicles only to find them out of operation months later because some genius forgot to order spare parts.
  • Election time sparks a full scale riot involving bottles, sticks and stones. Out goes the notion of us being a developed nation...
  • The thrill of watching shows are absolutely spoiled because the subtitles provide you with a sneak peek of what the actor/actress is going to say in about 20 seconds time...
  • The censorship board decides to censor everything under the sun, leaving only the opening and closing credits untouched. Erm, on second thoughts, they’ve actually censored the credits of a movie before.
  • A 30-minute news comes in between a two-hour movie, even though the movie has only 5 minutes of running time left.
  • People park their cars on a road which has only two lanes, thus clogging up traffic for miles and miles.
  • Our Prime Minister, while delivering his speech from his ultra-modern office located at Putrajaya, cowers in fear, wondering whether the poorly maintained roof will fall down on him
  • The people are obsessed with free stuff. And things that are close to, but not quite, free (have you seen the crowds at malls when a promotion is going on??? Obscene). [Thanks Hui Wen]
  • The personality of our people changes whenever they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. [Thanks Brian!]
  • People stuff themselves to the brim whenever they get to an open house. (yes, yes... don't deny it, folks!) [Thanks Comrade].



Mr. Burns once told me that

It's not about what we did in the past, but what we can continue to do in (the) future.

Since I have nothing better to do lately (I'm lying about that honestly), I'm going to compensate for what I haven't contributed by posting at least 3-4 posts in a week. Therefore, I'll be shooting two birds with one camera, haha! And posting that little/much in a week isn't that difficult when I have shitloads of pictures to share! Okay, not shitloads. That's not really an adjective, but you get the gist, yes?



Time: 1130 hours
Recent activity: Returned to campus from new house
Task completed: Finished my Engineering Graphics assignment, except for the cross-section
Feeling: Compassionate
Current music: Track 10 from "Romantic Adagios" (Minor key)

This is in response to Joe's beaten.battered.owned and Hui Wen's As I Lay My Eyes as they are, to me, related.

Indeed, life has never been a smooth-sailing one, no matter how "smooth" you proclaim it to be. We were never promised a bed of roses in our life, and we never will. Life is cruel, life is suppressing. That's fact.

Nevertheless, we are gifted with something that is able to help us go through all this mess in our life. It is what we call a sound mind. The human brain helps us in resolving all these unwanted cruelty that mount up in us.

We live in a world where we are constantly haunted by STRESS, TENSION, DEPRESSION and the like. There are even times when things we hate most to happen will just occur, as if by purpose. But, if we let our mind govern our thoughts in such moments rather than the heart, then the remedy is there.

Sometimes, as we face the cruelty of the world, it makes us think whether it is worth living such life, or why are we living this life. We make a difference to this world, no matter how small we seem to be. It is because of such a little difference that we would still live.

At times when we feel that life is just full of terror and hopelessness, let the mature mind grip you and start seeing things from the point of view of the mind; suppress your heart for a moment and don't let its emotions grab hold of you. Acting upon your mind, even though it hurts the heart, is frequently the solution to a lot of cruelties.

Don't ask why certain things (like the puppy being knocked down) happen. We are powerless against the will of God, but there are things in which we have been given the control. Then, control it with your own might. If you have been given the task to pilot a machine, shirk it not.

We are here in this world to witness hard times and to make hard decisions. All of us would wish that we can lead a much simpler, happier, easy-going life. But isn't our life simple enough? Even if we do get our wish, after a while, wouldn't we wish for even simpler lives? How simple, happy and easy-going life can we obtain?



I hate my current life. It is...

  1. Way too hectic.
  2. Way too stressful.
  3. Intolerably cruel.
  4. Messed up.
  5. Screwed up.
  6. Bad.
  7. Sucky to the max.



As I lay my eyes on the wok filled with food, I remembered the times when I had to carry it outside to feed both my pet dog Jenna and stray dogs, which often had to share a small portion of rice among themselves. Even though they're pretty much domesticated, their survival instincts normally kicked in when there isn't sufficient food to go around, and when they do fight for it, it isn't such a nice sight.




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