Message Board

RANDTS will last a thousand years.

- Albert

Just look at some of these stats here for a sec. Be warned thou tis not for ye of faint heart.


Yea, I love you.



There he was, just as always, working his way down the street. It was shortly before dusk and the shadows were already beginning to grow deep. Darkness would soon descend upon the town and its streets, but the gloom would be partly dispelled by the gas lamps. Mrs Lucy Gilyott, who used to be Miss Lucy Ormerod, was standing at the window of her drawing-room looking down the street.




We have, in our lives, seen various types of leaks, leaks in plumbing, leaks through the roofs etc. But examination question leaks? Now that is certainly interesting.



Ok, as promised, a post…

As you all know very very well, I have been very busy lately. Ya, so nothing more than classes, homework, club meetings during weekdays, and chilling, playing pool, doing more homework, watching pr0n in weekends.

So since nothing much happened, and I have the photographic capabilities of a monkey, I have decided to just type random things that pop in my head.

1. In America, they don’t have ground floor. Their first floor is the ground floor. Retards.

2. Every girl here has tits. Compared to Malaysia or China, it is like comparing a papaya with a washboard. Even the Asians here have tits. Heck even some guys have tits. It’s got to do with their food, obviously. And not that many are fat, I guess cause they work out and have sex a lot.

3. These bastards don’t use metric system. Fuck, damn hard to do math when you have to use mph, feet/s, and lbs and gallons. Lanjiao, have to convert to metric then convert back.

4. The weather here in Champaign is fucked. I read somewhere on Facebook (ya, they don’t use Friendster anymore… that is sooo 2004) that if you are lost, and everything, everywhere you see is flat (except for breasts), and if the weather is fucked, you are in Champaign, Illinois. The rain here is like the mist spray in the shower head, so even if you use an umbrella, your pants confirm wet (figurative).

5. The people here are not racist. Heck, people laugh at racism jokes here.

6. The people here are generally nice, OR they are pretending to be nice, OR its their job to be nice. I ain’t complaining, I don’t mind people holding the door open for me or saying good night to me while I am pissing. But I can’t say the same about Asian Americans. The few I have seen so far just plain piss me off. Its either they are selfish, greedy, or egoistic. Heck, I don’t mind people being selfish, but taking other people’s candy and not even giving a piece of chip to taste is just wrong. And what about retards who pretend to be high and mighty and come asking you for help with homework?

7. The homework here is cock. They give like, a ton (or 2240 lbs) of homework (or 2240 lbs). The reason they are hard is cause the teaching method here is fucked up as well. The lecturer teaches too much theory and lack applications/examples.

8. Food and drinks here are expensive as fuck, but everything else is cheap. Ironic, isn’t it? A bottle of Coke here is $1.25.

9. The drivers here are actually courteous and obey the law. Unlike Malaysia where you can get pass problems with kopi tambah gula, if you dare to offer coffee here, you are screwed. But my roommate did tell me that girls can get pass easily by flashing themselves. Not a bad trade, if you ask me.

10. People here are freaking confident. They answer questions blindly and don’t really care if they are right or wrong. They ask questions that are honestly pointless to ask. People here basically have more balls to do anything and everything than the number of pixels in my screen. We Asians may find them snobbish and stuff, but in a way, we gotta respect that, and we gotta remember that it is their ballfullness that is pawning us all now (remember Colonel Perry?), and the girls here dig that.

11. All the white girls here look the same. At least to me, it does. The only thing to separate them from one another is the colour of their hair, their weight, and the size of their breasts.

12. Girls here are suckers for nice guys. Considering the amount of shitty dipshits you find here, it’s pretty rare to find genuine nice decent gentlemen. So if you wanna hook up with any girls here, show both the confident white-ness and the gentle, soft asian-ness. Confirm can tapau everyone.

13. Contradictory to popular opinion, not everyone here is rich. But there IS a minimum salary for every job, even part time (its $7.50 per hour in my state, $6.50 per hour nationwide, I think). So there ARE poor people, but they can at least support themselves, though not all can afford college education.

That’s about it for now, will post more when more interesting stuff happens.




7 Study Strategies

I found some college/university study tips on a certain American website. These tips are written specifically for college/university students in the US of A but can definitely be applied all around the world.

7 strategies will help you raise your GPA while minimizing stress and overall study time.

1. Go to class - I know this one is mind-numbingly obvious but it’s important. Many professors lecture directly from PowerPoint and post the slides to the internet. This makes it tempting to skip class, download the lecture notes, and learn the material on your own. Although you can probably get away with this in easy courses, you’ll face problems in challenging ones. By skipping class, you miss out on a few important things:

  • Detailed verbal explanations that are key to understanding the material
  • The chance to ask questions and listen to the Q&A of other students
  • Special announcements
  • Opportunities for extra credit

It’s also important to consider how skipping class affects your reputation. In most classes, grades are somewhat subjective. This means that the grader’s perception of you can make or break your grade. If you frequently miss class, you’ll be perceived as someone who lacks respect for the professor and the subject matter. Why should they give you the benefit of the doubt or round that B+ up to an A-?

2. Sit in the front row - Not only will sitting in the front row build self confidence, it will automatically engage you in the lecture. You’ll appear to be an eager student and highly visible to the teacher. This will help your academic reputation and make it more likely you’ll develop a relationship with the professor. You’ll have a much easier time maintaining focus and will feel more like a participant than a passive observer.

3. Take notes by hand
- Another unfortunate side effect of the PowerPoint revolution is that it discourages students from taking notes. Taking notes by hand will improve your grades because a) it forces you to pay attention, and b) the physical act of writing aids memorization. If you take notes, you’ll find it much easier to stay engaged. Your notes also provide a point of reference that will help you build a mental link between a written concept and the professor’s verbal explanation. This is key for efficient studying.

4. Do a weekly review
- A common problem students encounter is trying to learn an enormous amount of material right before the midterm or final exam. This is practically impossible. You’ll find it much easier if you take a gradual approach to studying. At least once a week, review your notes starting from the beginning of the course. This only needs to take 15 or 20 minutes, just enough time to build familiarity with the material.

By doing a weekly review you’ll gradually memorize everything and will better understand how one concept builds on the next. Putting in small amounts of effort on a consistent basis will drastically reduce the amount of studying you need to do right before the test.

5. Go to office hours - Professors and TA’s usually make themselves available at regular times during the week for students to ask questions about assignments. Do yourself a favor by taking advantage of this opportunity. First, attending office hours will motivate you to get ahead on your work and prepare questions to ask. This will give you a huge edge in understanding problems that aren’t clearly explained in the lectures. Second, it will build your reputation as a high-effort student who deserves high grades.

6. Find smart people to work with
- In courses that involve group work, this is essential. No one wants to get stuck with a bunch slackers, have to do all the work themselves, and end up with a poor grade to show for it. The quality of the your learning experience is directly related to the attitudes of the people you work with. Working with smart people will facilitate discussion. The best way to understand an idea is talking about it with other intelligent people.

Who you work with also affects your academic reputation. If you associate with students that aren’t interested in learning, teachers and graders will assume you feel the same way. It’s also a great way to connect with people who have similar interests and ambitions.

7. Avoid all-nighters
- Generally, having to pull an all-nighter means that you slacked off all semester and need to fit 3 months of learning into one day. If you use a gradual study strategy this will never be necessary. All-nighters don’t work! Yes, it might be possible to get a good grade if the course is easy, but it’s much more likely that your grade will be significantly lower. All-nighters harm performance because they make you tired and stressed. You’ll also forget most of what you learn right after the test, decreasing the practical value of your education.

P.S: This is a cut and paste post. I'll get something more original up when I have some inspiration.

~multum in parvo~



Look here!

This message goes out to all RANDSTers, past and present.

I shall not be very subtle with the fact that I am indeed becoming quite disappointed that although RANDTS has come a long way, it is ending up becoming nothing. More and more people are leaving this blog, and must I say it will not be long before this blog becomes defunct?

I have no idea what is running in your minds, but allow me to give my two cents on this matter. When all of us first participated in this project, we were full of hope that it will grow into something great. The passion was initially there and all seemed to go well at first. We had seen an influx of posts for the first two months and it seemed to be such a good indication for RANDTS. We had our gatherings and exchanging of views.

However, later on, I would observe that our bloggers here occasionally slack and sometimes disappearing for a few good months. I do not even really know whether some of the RANDSTers that we have here even bother to view this blog.

Then, previously, I have made a similar post to this. The response was that the fire for blogging was burning again, but quite short-lived. Now, after Joe has left us, we see that Timothy has also left and Khael is showing indications that he is leaving.

Many times I have asked this question, "Why is it that people are leaving our blog? Why is it that initially they have the passion, only to lose it in the end?" But this question was never answered.

Indeed, I have got bored with this blog now that it has so little interesting updates. Apart from stories, photographs and more stories, I see no fresh material worth reading.

We have more than ten contributors to this blog but it does not reflect that fact at all. It seems more like three or four zealous bloggers who would try to find time to blog and would only give up if the time does not permit them to do so. We have too many lukewarm and cold bloggers who do not deserve to be put up as contributors in the first place.

Blogging is all about passion, patience and effort. If you lose any one of these, the fire to blog will simply diminish in no time. I still have the passion and effort to blog here, but I no longer have the patience, because I have lost my patience seeing that the latest post in RANDTS is always the outdated one.

We did not want to have this blog just because we want to have it. We did not want to have this blog just because it is mere fun. We want to have this blog because we believe that besides displaying our creativity, our thoughts and so on, we could unite bloggers from around the country or even worldwide under one roof. We have sent in proposals and numerous e-mails (all done by Jared) stating that participating as a RANDSTer demands quite a lot of commitment and patience, and should only accept the invitation to join the RANDTS community if you feel that you are able to do so. It is indeed a privilege to be accepted as part of the RANDTS community. No Tom, Dick or Harry could just come in like that!

RANDTS is not really a blog where you are free to just contribute or leave as you like. Perhaps you should think about the people who have put in all the effort here to make this blog alive and to even create it in the first place. The sincere intention of this blog has either never been comprehended or taken for granted.

Really, people, if you are busy for about two or so weeks, I could accept that. But if you are continuously busy for two or three months and could not even spend just half an hour posting something up in RANDTS, I think at this point there is no need to evaluate your commitment to RANDTS. It is as good as none.

Call me hard-hearted but if you think that what I have said here is being unfair to some of you, let he or she voice themselves up against me. I would be happy to engage myself in a discussion to find out the true cause of such lack of commitment. Then we will know if it is really due to other commitments or just plain laziness.



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