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RANDTS will last a thousand years.

- Albert

I wonder whose fault it is or could she have willingly done it?

One thing about the elders, they never seem to get enough care especially when their children are busy working. That is how most old people end up in the old folks home or so. I took this picture when I was paying a visit to my brother.

She collects boxes left by the supermarket and my guess is that she sells it to earn a living. As much as I wish that I could help her, I couldn't. This gives me a really sad feeling. They could have lead a better life. Did she have to do this? What about her children? I just feel that this is not fair, not only to this lady but to other old people who suffer the same fate. We might not read them in the newspapers but this doesn't mean it isn't happening.

(Sorry guys, I got a little emo...)


As dirty as it may sound, you're not even close to guessing what I'm talking about...

What do we do in cars?

  • We read magazines while we wait for someone
  • We listen to the radio and perhaps call when there is a cue to call
  • We probably SMS our friends
  • We probably look out and enjoy the beautiful view
  • or, we just sleep (which is what I do most of the time)

But, today, something unexpected for me happened. A man was changing his clothes while driving. I didn't mean to look at it but heck, I was initially appreciating the scenery of the city at night. And right before me was a man who took off his shirt and quickly changed to another white one (while driving!) He obviously didn't wear his safety belt.

Think about how dangerous it is. He could have bang someone's car or hit a pedestrian who hurriedly crosses the road. Oh well, I hope there won't be more of these.

Was he in that much of a hurry to go visit someone that he had to change his clothes in the car?? Hmm, I wonder...


This is Muhammad the teddy bear.

Apparently naming a teddy bear Muhammad will get you arrested in Sudan according to this article.

~multum in parvo~


This picture made me laugh and cry at the same time. Maybe it's just something I can relate to. If you do not understand, there are two probabilities:

a) You don't know me well enough.
b) You are a girl.



As we dropped altitude and closed in on the beachhead, the Spectre groaned as Cowboy banked hard to the left. The call sign suited him well. He always wore an old straw farm hat, and those non-issue chrome plated sunglasses. I could never figure out how he got away with having them. He was always smiling, and he was the best pilot I had ever known.





I find this interesting… here are SMS abbreviations that would be such a helpful thing to all you lazy suckers out there. haha..

AFAIK As Far As I Know

AFK Away From Keyboard

ASAP As Soon As Possible

ATK At The Keyboard

ATM At The Moment

A3 Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace

BAK Back At Keyboard

BBL Be Back Later

BBS Be Back Soon

BFN/B4N Bye For Now

BRB Be Right Back

BRT Be Right There

BTW By The Way

B4N Bye For Now

CU See You

CUL8R See You Later

CYA See You

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FC Fingers Crossed

FWIW For What It’s Worth

FYI For Your Information

GAL Get A Life

GG Good Game

GMTA Great Minds Think Alike

GR8 Great!

G9 Genius

IC I See

ICQ I Seek you

ILU I Love You

IMHO In My Honest/Humble Opinion

IMO In My Opinion

IOW In Other Words

IRL In Real Life

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid

LDR Long Distance Relationship

LMAO Laugh My Ass Off

LOL Laughing Out Loud

LTNS Long Time No See

L8R Later

MTE My Thoughts Exactly

M8 Mate

NRN No Reply Necessary

OIC Oh I See

PITA Pain In The Ass

PRT Party

PRW Parents Are Watching

QPSA? Que Pasa?

ROFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing

ROFLOL Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off

SK8 Skate

STATS Your sex and age

ASL Age, Sex, Location

THX Thank You

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now!

TTYL Talk To You Later

U You

U2 You Too

U4E Yours For Ever

WB Welcome Back

WTF What The F…

WTG Way To Go!

WUF Where Are You From?

W8 Wait…

7K Sick

click here for source

well, that’s all for now. so i’ll ttyl while i go lmao somewhere before i get 7K. :p hahahah. ok i’ll stop that. bye!



Yeap. Thats right. Believe it or not. Existence as you know it is THE lowest rung on the metaphysical level of all things good, bad and shine.

Why you ask? Well let me enlighten you.



When I read this piece of news I was stunned by the intolerant stance taken by Beijing. Apparently "security reasons" is the cause of this ban. To me this is absolutely unacceptable as it borders on the ridiculous and shows how extreme the officially God forsaken country is. Athletes are also prohibited from bearing any kind of religious symbol at Olympic facilities.



From the BBC News website:

Attack on giant Pakistan Buddha

Suspected pro-Taleban militants have tried to blow up an ancient carving of Buddha in north-west Pakistan. The statue, thought to date from the second century BC, sustained only minimal damage in the attack near Manglore in remote Swat district. The area has seen a rise in attacks on "un-Islamic" targets in recent months. This is the first such attack in Pakistan and is reminiscent of the Taleban's 2001 destruction of the giant Buddhas at Bamiyan in Afghanistan.

[ Read article ]




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